Male ED’s problem statistic

  • Drug utilization  approximately 25% in male who has ED problem comes from drug utilization.
  •  Age more than 40  male over 40 years old, has problem about erection of penis. 
  • 1 out of 10 male has problem to maintain the erection of penis. 
  • Chronic decease – Patient who has problem with erection of penis can be found in male who has Chronic decease problem more than normal / healthy person up to 63.1%

  •  Male age under 35 – Male who is under 35 years old but has heart problem decease/vascular decease can cause ED effect symptom more than healthy male. 
  • High Blood Pressure – 30% of male who has high blood pressure has problem to maintain erection of penis. 
  • EN: Diabetes – Male who has diabetes is conceivably to have ED symptom 3 times higher than healthy male. 
  • EN: 152 million male – from study, we found out that over 152 million males around the world have impotency problem.