M BoCox
BOTOX injection to stretch your genital muscle, is it really improve the muscle erection?
The impotence has been found more and more in men in all age recently, the unable to finish the mission and/or keep the penile erection become big problem to male’s confidence and has direct effect to sexual relationship.
What is BoCox™ ?
BoCox™ is the erectile dysfunction treatment. The process to upkeep the performance of man’s penile erection which combine the treatment between Botox and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP).
This innovation technic does not require surgery or Anesthesia. It’s the alternative option that make you feel safe and no harm. Suitable for patient who wants to adjust the balancing, and cure the performance of the genital without surgery method.
By combining Botox with PRP to the muscle that control blood circulation to your genital called Corpus Cavernosum, which will help relaxing and smoothing the muscle area and make the better blood flow to the genital. It affects the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in the penis, thus correcting the root cause and improving blood flow to the penis.