Review the result with Mr. Micky after get M Shot Testosterone treatment service at M Clinic.

Here is the result after get into M Shot program for over a month at M Clinic.

You can see the muscle mass increasing remarkably, as well as fat losing which make the body leaner. This “AFTER” photo was taken before going to do the body weight. It’s remarkable. I have more strength and endurance to workout, strikingly energy comes out. However, side effect that inevitably cause are aggressiveness, short temper, lack of concentration and sweat easily. 

First, I was afraid f having more acne on my face, my back and hair loss. since I have seen many getting it right after. Fortunately, I don’t have any. I guess it’s because the formula in my dose is different. 


The other thing is I can sleep easily, comparing with before get into this course. The sexual feeling, personally I feel the same but guessing other people may have more arouse. Subject to individual. 

Blood examination is compulsory before entering this course, to examine the level of testosterone as well as other related hormones. Including PSA to be considered and diagnosed by medical expert to provide the suitable and safety of medication.


For anyone who would like to increase your effectiveness of muscle strength fast and notable, taking the extra hormone can be the answer. However, medical expert consultation is advised. Eating and sleeping properly is essential or the muscle cannot reinforce appropriately. 

M Shot: Boosting the enhancement efficiency Testosterone for men. 

Testosterone, is the main and critical hormone to create the identical of male figure such as increasing muscle mass, low pitch voice, and hair production all over body. Besides, Testosterone also help boosting body strength and vigorously energetic. The ordinary level of Testosterone in your body are between 300-1000 nanogram per deciliter. But aging and the living pattern may affect to lose the Testosterone generating in your body. 


Some factors that can cause your body to produce less of Testosterone, not just only age, but the daily living pattern have effect directly to the production of Testosterone in your body too. For example: 

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➡️ Smoking and drinking alcohol: using this substance can cause the hormone producing system.

➡️ Unbalancing food consumption: eating sweets, fat and fried foods can cause the loss of hormone balancing. 

➡️ Overweight and get fat belly: Over standard weight to your body can cause the losing of hormone level in your body. 

➡️ Stress and insomnia: continual stress with lack of resting can cause your body to lose the function of Testosterone reproduction.


The effects of losing Testosterone: Losing Testosterone may affect to you both body and mind, for example: 

➡️ Losing sexual desire. 

➡️ Getting belly fat. 

➡️ Hair Loss

➡️ Fatigue and no energy.

➡️ Distressed emotional and loss concentration. 

➡️ Losing Muscle mass.

➡️ Memory loss. 

➡️ Risk to have a chance of getting Osteoporosis.

➡️ Sperm get weakness. 


The treatment that taking the substitute hormone when the body has Testosterone under the normal level and there’s related symptom. To cure with Hormone Replacement Therapy is the option to increase the effectiveness of body hormone back to normal level. There are multiple choice of treatment such as: 


Medical consumption 

Testosterone in the form of edible tablet/capsule, to take with the meal that contain fat to get better absorption. However, it may come with side effects such as, weight gaining. This method will require regular basis of exercise and fat burning constantly. 


External use

Testosterone in the form of body cream is the safe way and very stable. By applying the cream daily at arms, shoulder or abdominal. The result will be shown after applying for 3 months. 


Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatment. 

This is the treatment in the form of injecting Testosterone, required the medical expert. The Testosterone injection treatment can see the result as quickest and highly effective. But it requires the hormone level test, for example PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and HCT (Hematocrit) for your safety. The injection will be arranged weekly, together with follow up progress. 


M Shot: Testosterone at M Clinic is the outstanding way to get the hormone enhancement. This is the technic to boost the Testosterone that is accepted for its effectiveness in term of energy boosting, muscle mass building, and vigorously refreshing to your body. However, the treatment with hormone replacement needs to be under supervised by medical expert for the best and safety result based upon to individual patient.