8 reasons that causes baldness in men

1. Genetic
Male pattern baldness is often genetic. Most likely the sign to be permanent hair lose may start to get thinner, losing their hair and the new one grow up weak and slim that can see through. Then the hair loss keeps spreading, the root hair getting weak and smaller until become baldness eventually.
2. Thyroid
Thyroid symptom that lack of produce Thyroid hormone effects the body to work and active slower due to the lack of hormone to activate metabolism that generate energy to cells and tissues, as well as shortcoming effect to hair losses on all part of your body.
3. Age
Getting older in Male cause the weakness of the blood flow over your head skin, the root grow weaker with the degeneration of the skin cell, causing the root get smaller which makes hair and the new one grow up weak and slim compare to the teenage period.
4. Testosterone
Testosterone is generated from male prostate gland and testicles, and this organ will transform Testosterone to be Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The transformation will effect to the hair in male to get smaller and loss as well as stalling the hair growth.
5. Medication and chemo radiation therapy
There are numbers of medications that effect to the hair losses conditions such as medicine for cancer, Cancer Therapy, Anticoagulants, Anti-hypertensive treatments medicine, Hormone Treatment, Anti-thyroid drugs, Anticonvulsant, these medicines can cause the hair losses effect but it will recovery when stop taking the medicines. Furthermore, the radiation therapy for cancer is the other cause and effect that leads to the hair losses condition.
6. Stress
Stress leads to 2 types of hair losses conditions;
1). Telogen Effluvium is the severe tension that cause the hair root in growing phase stop growing and lead to hair loss in the first 2-3 months and it can last from 6 up to 9 months before recovery back to normal conditions.
2). Alopecia Areata is the symptom that has critical condition than the first one, the white blood cells will go straight to the pore in the head skin and causes the severe hair losses effect within a few weeks, start from the minor circles and keep spreading. This condition can be recovered but consulting for treatment is needed.
7. Sickness
In patients, there are some type of illness that can cause hair loss effect depends on the type of sickness. For example, Tinea Capitis, Thyroid decease, Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE), Syphilis, Kidney decease, Etc.
8. Malnutrition Disease
Such as Vitamin B (any type), as found in yeast, yogurt, and protein based food, when the body has not received sufficient amount of the above nutrition will cause the hair loses symptom and/or thinner hair. As well as the change of the hair color, because nutritional consumption is critical for the growth of hair and body. Moreover, if the body consumes too much vitamin A can stall down hair growth and cause hair losses too.