Review of hormone injections to increase muscle mass

Review of hormone injections to increase muscle mass

Get in shape for the end-of-year festival with M Shot Testosterone at M Clinic.

I am a trainer and therapist who exercises regularly. My body shape is very good. However, recently, I felt that my body was not good. Therefore, I started looking for ways to help improve my body shape. I studied a lot about using hormones to improve my body shape, but I was still worried about many things, especially side effects such as acne and skin conditions. This was because I was a model, and my job was to show off my body shape. If there were problems with my body, it would affect my work. Consequently, I must be careful about the decision to use hormones. One day, I got consulted with the doctor at M clinic. The first thing I noticed was that the information that both the staff and the doctor gave me covered everything I wanted to know. This made me feel more comfortable and confident to use hormones. As a result, I decided to try using the service.


Before starting the M Shot Testosterone service, hormone levels must first be measured to check whether the values ​​in the body are ready to receive the hormone or not. This procedure does not take a long time. If you check the hormone levels today, you will know the results tomorrow. The result was that I could get the M Shot Testosterone service. The doctor advised me to inject hormones for 5 weeks and 1 time per week. At each time of hormone injection, the InBody value will be measured to see the changes in the body.


The results were obvious from the third time of hormone injection. I also felt that I had more energy in exercising. Many people around me told me that I was thicker and that my chest and arm muscles were firmer. Another obvious thing was that my clothes started to fit better, which impressed me a lot because I was able to achieve the muscles, I had set my goal for. Most importantly, I had no side effects that I was worried about at first, such as acne or skin problems. Everything went very smoothly.


I recommend M Shot Testosterone at M Clinic for anyone looking to increase muscle mass. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!

Upsizing with cells, enhance the strength and confidence for you and your genital.

Upsizing with cells, enhance the strength and confidence for you and your genital. 💭 💉🍌


M Penile Enhancement (MPE) is the innovation to fix the impotence problem or want to boost your genital strength. With no surgery required. Simple but yet effective. By extracting Autologous cell from the blood of the patient, very safe and non-allergy risk as well as no side effect.


What’s good for M Penile Enhancement (MPE)?

✅ Enlarge your genital size with the Autologous cell, extracted from the patient himself. So, it will have no harmful effect with you body. These cells will stimulate the growth of your skin tissue naturally.

✅ No harmful of infection, non-recovery required. Since the cells come from the patient’s blood themselves. It takes the minimize risk of infection, make the treatment safe and secure compare with other types of treatments. No need for recovery period.

✅ There’s research to guarantee your safety, enhancing technic using Autologous cell has the research to assure the patient they will get the highly safe treatment with the medical standard.


For anyone who wants to up size your genital with no surgery required and safe. Please feel free to come in and learn more at M Clinic. We have the medical doctor team at your service.

Steven’s Experience with M Focused Shockwave Therapy at M Clinic

Steven’s Experience with M Focused Shockwave Therapy at M Clinic

Hello everyone, my name is Steven, and today I’d like to share my experience at M Clinic in Thailand, where I received the M Focused Shockwave Therapy.


The treatment was absolutely amazing! Everything went very smoothly and quickly, with no pain at all. It’s a fantastic option for anyone who wants to take better care of their health, especially when it comes to performance in intimate situations, whether with a partner of the same or opposite sex. We all know that safety is crucial, and sometimes using condoms can be a bit uncomfortable. But with this therapy, I felt more confident, even when using protection.


Before coming in, I had only recently heard about Shockwave Therapy and didn’t know much about it. Honestly, I felt a little nervous. However, once I arrived at M Clinic, I noticed that all the staff members were male, which made me feel more at ease. They explained every step of the treatment thoroughly, which helped me relax and feel comfortable throughout the entire process.


The level of care and professionalism I experienced was truly impressive. If you’re considering Shockwave Therapy, I highly recommend visiting M Clinic. This treatment is beneficial for all men, regardless of age, and can really enhance your sex life.


Being a model in a city as hot as Bangkok, I’m often dressed in just underwear or swimwear. M Clinic gives me the confidence to know that my “package” always looks great, which is incredibly important in my line of work!

M Recovering Cell. Revive your lower deep down to the cell.

What is Stem Cell Therapy? 

Stem Cell Therapy is the new medical practice applied as our own cell in the body, because this is the extraordinary cells that can be found in every human body. Its function is to replace the damage or decay cells, become replacement cells. Besides, it will help restore the artery wall cells to regenerate the blood vessel wall and enhance the neuro cells.

Consistent with the technique to cure the Erectile Dysfunction (ED), the normal practice will apply medicament or injection that should be prepared before treatment process and may cause side effect such as heart palpitation or headache. With the technique to inject the original cell into specific muscle area to incite the blood circulation and improve the body feeling response. This way the result can be seen instantaneously even though it’s the first treatment. 

Besides, Stem Cell Therapy can help immune your body to produce cancer cells, degenerative neuralgia or Dementia as well as anti-aging effect. At M Clinic, we provide the stem cell therapy with high standard that aim to focus at our ultimate quality and safety for every client who come for our service. 

Q10 benefits with men’s sexual performance.

Did you know that Coenzyme Q10 can help stimulate male’s sexual performance? 💭

If you think about taking care of the male’s sexual strength, many people would think of exercise, eating healthy food. But one thing that has been overlook for some time is taking vitamin that play significant role to help stimulate your sexual performance. One of them is Coenzyme Q10, the antioxidant that support your body’s cell function significantly. 

What is Q10? 

CoQ10 is one of the nutrition that body can produce by itself and play the vital role for cell’s energy production. Especially muscle and heart’s cell. Also, this is the antioxidant that help protecting cell from the oxidant that decay your body cells. These functions are critical to men’s health in many ways including the reproductive system.

Q10 benefits with men’s sexual performance. 

Since Q10 has the important role to assist your blood circulation which enhance the male performance for sexual role as well as reduce the risk of Erectile Dysfunction problem. 

Other benefits from Q10, apart from enhance your sexual performance. Q10 also has many benefits for men such as:


✅ support your heart’s health, reduce risk from cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. 

✅ Boosting up energy, and diminish fatigue. Increasing your agility for your exercise and daily activity. 

✅ Anti-oxidant and help deterioration of body cells. To help man look healthy and younger. 

At M Clinic, we have a unique service of IV Drip. Since our clinic design the vitamins with special formula for men. Serviced by medical experts to match with each demand and style. Assist your body for hormone reproduction and enhance your strength. 

Get to know Magnesium, the power plant for your cells.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals for your body but few people know about its true feature. In fact, the Magnesium is very important for your body function. If we want to picturize it, imagine Magnesium to be the power plant for body cells. Since the main function is to empower the energy for enzyme function in human body as well as balancing the minerals in human cells. 

Next, you will get to know the role of the Magnesium and how important with your body, and what will happen if we do not have enough. 

1. Assisting the function of Neural and muscular system. 

  • Magnesium has crucial role with muscle contraction and neuro transmitting in cell level, to prevent spasmodic muscular contraction or cramp and seizure. 
  • Magnesium helps the nervous system function normally and reduce muscle tension.

2. Support bone regenerating.

  • Magnesium will work with Calcium help regenerate bone and prevent the Bone Resorption as well as Osteoporosis.

3. Cardio system and blood vein

  •  Magnesium helps controlling heart rate pulse, preventing Cardiac Arrhythmia. Reducing Blood Pressure and Coronary Artery Disease. 

4. Helping energy boost. 

  • Magnesium has important role to produce energy for human body cells, by producing electric energy to the cell called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This ATP is working like the fuel source to other cells to arouse more than 300 functions in human body including muscle control, neuro system, bone, heart as well as metabolism.

5. Controlling enzyme function. 

  • Magnesium works to control many enzyme functions that correlated to energy synthesize from metabolism to become human body’s energy. 

6. Balancing Minerals in your body. 

  • Magnesium helps balancing hormones in human body, by working together with Potassium and Calcium to control the electrical function in human body including muscle contraction system. 

7. Help sleep better.

  • Magnesium has role to control the neuro chemical effect for relaxation, help to get sleep and increase the melatonin level which help to get better sleep. And reduce stress and anxiousness, make the mind calm. 

8. help maintain the blood sugar level.

  • Magnesium has the role to produce and use insulin hormone that relate to the body function of bringing sugar in blood stream and turn to the energy, also maintain the blood sugar level and to control diabetes type 2. 

9. reduce inflammation. 

  • Magnesium diminish body’s inflammation, which soothing the inflammation effect from decease and reduce the pain from chronic decease. As well as stimulate the anti-oxidation function by preventing the deterioration of oxidant in human body. 

10. reduce Migraine’s headache. 

  • There’re researches show that Magnesium can reduce the frequency and fatal of headache from Migraine since the Magnesium has the benefit to control neuro system that relevant with Migraine symptom. 

Therefore, apart from the important role of Magnesium to be power plant for cells, it also helps to control and balance your body system. Magnesium becomes the manager and coordinator to support the whole-body function to work smoothly. 

Review the result with Mr. Micky after get M Shot Testosterone treatment service at M Clinic.

Review the result with Mr. Micky after get M Shot Testosterone treatment service at M Clinic.

Here is the result after get into M Shot program for over a month at M Clinic.

You can see the muscle mass increasing remarkably, as well as fat losing which make the body leaner. This “AFTER” photo was taken before going to do the body weight. It’s remarkable. I have more strength and endurance to workout, strikingly energy comes out. However, side effect that inevitably cause are aggressiveness, short temper, lack of concentration and sweat easily. 

First, I was afraid f having more acne on my face, my back and hair loss. since I have seen many getting it right after. Fortunately, I don’t have any. I guess it’s because the formula in my dose is different. 


The other thing is I can sleep easily, comparing with before get into this course. The sexual feeling, personally I feel the same but guessing other people may have more arouse. Subject to individual. 

Blood examination is compulsory before entering this course, to examine the level of testosterone as well as other related hormones. Including PSA to be considered and diagnosed by medical expert to provide the suitable and safety of medication.


For anyone who would like to increase your effectiveness of muscle strength fast and notable, taking the extra hormone can be the answer. However, medical expert consultation is advised. Eating and sleeping properly is essential or the muscle cannot reinforce appropriately. 

M Shot: Boosting the enhancement efficiency Testosterone for men. 

Testosterone, is the main and critical hormone to create the identical of male figure such as increasing muscle mass, low pitch voice, and hair production all over body. Besides, Testosterone also help boosting body strength and vigorously energetic. The ordinary level of Testosterone in your body are between 300-1000 nanogram per deciliter. But aging and the living pattern may affect to lose the Testosterone generating in your body. 


Some factors that can cause your body to produce less of Testosterone, not just only age, but the daily living pattern have effect directly to the production of Testosterone in your body too. For example: 

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➡️ Smoking and drinking alcohol: using this substance can cause the hormone producing system.

➡️ Unbalancing food consumption: eating sweets, fat and fried foods can cause the loss of hormone balancing. 

➡️ Overweight and get fat belly: Over standard weight to your body can cause the losing of hormone level in your body. 

➡️ Stress and insomnia: continual stress with lack of resting can cause your body to lose the function of Testosterone reproduction.


The effects of losing Testosterone: Losing Testosterone may affect to you both body and mind, for example: 

➡️ Losing sexual desire. 

➡️ Getting belly fat. 

➡️ Hair Loss

➡️ Fatigue and no energy.

➡️ Distressed emotional and loss concentration. 

➡️ Losing Muscle mass.

➡️ Memory loss. 

➡️ Risk to have a chance of getting Osteoporosis.

➡️ Sperm get weakness. 


The treatment that taking the substitute hormone when the body has Testosterone under the normal level and there’s related symptom. To cure with Hormone Replacement Therapy is the option to increase the effectiveness of body hormone back to normal level. There are multiple choice of treatment such as: 


Medical consumption 

Testosterone in the form of edible tablet/capsule, to take with the meal that contain fat to get better absorption. However, it may come with side effects such as, weight gaining. This method will require regular basis of exercise and fat burning constantly. 


External use

Testosterone in the form of body cream is the safe way and very stable. By applying the cream daily at arms, shoulder or abdominal. The result will be shown after applying for 3 months. 


Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatment. 

This is the treatment in the form of injecting Testosterone, required the medical expert. The Testosterone injection treatment can see the result as quickest and highly effective. But it requires the hormone level test, for example PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and HCT (Hematocrit) for your safety. The injection will be arranged weekly, together with follow up progress. 


M Shot: Testosterone at M Clinic is the outstanding way to get the hormone enhancement. This is the technic to boost the Testosterone that is accepted for its effectiveness in term of energy boosting, muscle mass building, and vigorously refreshing to your body. However, the treatment with hormone replacement needs to be under supervised by medical expert for the best and safety result based upon to individual patient. 

Checking Hormone level at M Clinic

Checking Hormone level at M Clinic,

the ISO standard certified lab. 

How good to check up your hormone at M Clinic? 

At M Clinic, we have the hormone level checkup service from the high standard quality lab, ISO standard certified. Guaranteed by the Medical Technic Counsel to ensure the patient that the result is accurate and reliable. 


Moreover, our lab is ranked no. 1 quality to certified the standard during the COVID-19 Pandemic. To proof our global standard quality. 


M Clinic, we care in every details of service, to give you the highly satisfaction.

Taking hormone injection by yourself can be harmful more than expected.

Taking hormone injection by yourself can be harmful more than expected.

1. With the inappropriate dose: It can cause the hormone level too high or too low. 


2. Endangering the chance to get Air Embolism: it’s the effect from getting the air into the blood stream that can cause hazardous and may cause to death. 


3. Possible side effect:  such as acne, hair-loss, swollen, high blood pressure, and cardiac effect. 


4. Risk of infection: from the un-sanitized medical equipment. 


At M Clinic, we have the hormone level check-up. Certified by Medical Technic Council and safely controlled. With medical doctor and all sanitized equipment for the treatment.  




Testosterone is the masculine hormone that has important role to increase muscle mass, strength and regenerate your body. When the Testosterone level rise up from taking hormone by injection, the body will increase the process to generate the muscle easier and faster.


However, if you stop Testosterone injection may cause your muscle to get slimmer, since the Testosterone can stimulate muscle regeneration and strength. After stop injection, the hormone level will drop down and that can cause muscle reproduction drop down and muscle physique loss. 


Regularly workout and proper eating habits will help to control muscle strength and prevent the loss of muscle form although taking hormone are stopped, weight training and suffice protein consumption can maintain the muscle strength and form for the period of time. On the contrary, stopping hormone along with losing control of eating and exercising can rapidly losing muscle strength and form. 


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