hair growth medicine cause the penile not hard

You may have heard that taking hair growth medicine will cause your genital not get harden properly, is it true? 

#Here is the answer!
In fact, some of the hair regrowth supplement such as Finasteride or Dutasteride that normally applied to fix hair loss from genetic problem may affect with your Testosterone hormone level (DHT), that may cause to someone who take to get problem about the erectile dysfunction or Impotence.

However, this effect can be found in small amount of people, this effect can happen temporary and gone when stop using it. Also, not everybody will get this effect, because this may occur upon the medical reaction with each person’s immune system.


#No worry!
At M Clinic, we have the technic for recovery and enhancement with the M Focused Shockwave Therapy treatment. It is the treatment to help boosting the blood vein circulation and impulse the genital to get more blood inner circulation which help to fix problem with impotence. Safe and no medication required.


Apply with MPE (M Penile Enhancement) to safely enlarge the genital size with your own cells. No foreign substance, no need for long-time recovery. To help boost your confidence and sexual performance health, under the care of the medical expert.

ALA The Ultimate Antioxidant

✨ ALA: The Ultimate Antioxidant 🚀

ALA (Alpha-Lipoic Acid) is a powerful antioxidant naturally found in the body and certain foods like spinach, broccoli, and meat. It plays a vital role in converting glucose into energy and protecting cells from damage. ALA also enhances the functions of vitamins C and E and is commonly used to treat nerve-related conditions like Diabetic Neuropathy and reduce inflammation.

Benefits of ALA

Boosts Vitamin Efficiency: Enhances the effectiveness of the vitamins you consume.

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Blood Sugar Control: Assists in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels for better overall health.

Anti-Aging: ALA helps you look younger by protecting cells from deterioration.

Chronic Disease Prevention: Lowers the risk of chronic diseases and shields the body from various types of damage.

Besides taking vitamins, IV Drip therapy can further enhance your health care routine. At M Clinic, we offer safe and high-quality IV Drip services. Feel free to consult with us! 💉✨


Do penis enlargement methods really work?

           Most men desire a large penis. After all, a big penis represents the ideology of manliness and a physical manifestation of the testosterone-laden power of the male form. Whilst a large penis represents a totemic encapsulation of virility, strength, and power… the average penis size may surprise you.

Although six inches has long been (pardon the pun) the perceived average male penis length, statistics place the actual number at 5.1 – 5.5 inches.

          While exaggerated claims of impressively above-average penis lengths are nothing new, there is hope for men who feel as though they don’t measure up. This article will examine methods of how to achieve natural penis growth.

The top 8 natural penis enlargement methods

          Before diving into some of the methods that can aid in natural penis growth, it is important to note that most of these techniques are temporary, and that the only way to increase penis size permanently is through surgery.

          Barring that particularly invasive option of surgery, here are some of the best techniques, exercises and applications designed to temporarily enlarge the penis.

1. Stretching exercises

          Like virtually every other penis enlargement exercise, stretching creates micro-tears in the tissue of the affected area, and the ensuing healing process can help to increase the girth of the penis. Penis exercises can also help to draw blood to the penis, improving circulation and increasing the length.

To perform a penis enlargement exercise

  1. Begin by achieving a semi-erect state.
  2. For added comfort, apply a lubricant – although it is important to remember that the goal of stretching the penis isn’t masturbation.
  3. Create a circle by connecting the tip of your index finger and thumb.
  4. Place your semi-erect penis shaft through the circle, while gripping the base of your penis in the stretched position for 30 seconds, using only the fingers you’ve created the circle with.
  5. Slowly close the circle you’ve created by connecting the tip of your finger and thumb, gently applying pressure to the penis shaft within.
  6. In a milking motion, stroke the penis shaft slowly, relieving the pressure as you get to the crown of the penis head. The stroking motion itself should be applied at a steady pace.
  7. Release and return your index finger-thumb circle to the base of the shaft and repeat the process. The duration of your penis stretching shouldn’t exceed 20 minutes.

2. Penis pumps

          Like most natural penis enhancement methods, a penis pump is a penis enlargement device, designed to improve blood flow. Penis pump results are promising, aiding in temporarily increasing the girth and size of the penis. In order to maintain the effects of a pumping device, sexually arousal must be maintained. 

Also known as a vacuum pump, it is inserted over the penis, and uses suction to draw blood into the penis to allow a man to achieve an erection. Although the usage of these erection-aids cannot permanently increase the size of the penis, pumps facilitate a firmer, harder erection.

3. Natural penis enlargement pills

           Pills associated with male enhancement work by promoting blood flow to the penis. Popular pills such as Sildenafil (commonly sold under the brand name Viagra) and Tadalafil (better known under the brand name Cialis) are marketed for their erectile dysfunction (ED) combatting benefits. By improving blood flow to the penis, they can help to get bigger erections if poor blood flow is preventing you reach maximum potential. However, these pills are not natural.

So what about natural penis enlargement pills? Whilst some supplements can offer natural penis growth benefits, they lack clinical evidence to support claims as penis enlargers


  • Ginseng. When taken regularly, ginseng is capable of improving blood flow and aiding in the maintenance of testosterone levels.
  • Pine pollen. Rich in vitamins and minerals, this traditional Chinese remedy is purported to increase blood flow to the penis and is one of the first and most powerful libido boosters ever discovered.
  • Yohimbine. The bark of an evergreen tree found in central and Western Africa has been used to treat ED for centuries. It is believed to stimulate the release of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which hinder the effects of body chemicals and agents that constrict erection-aiding blood vessels in the penis.
  • Maca. Recognised as a sexual booster, this Peruvian plant is said to increase libido and sperm count. Maca is also celebrated for its ability to combat the effects of erectile dysfunction.
  • Ginkgo and horny goat weed. By dilating blood vessels, ginkgo improves blood flow to the penis. An age-old remedy used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, horny goat weed acts in a similar way, by reversing the effects of an enzyme that inhibits blood flow to the penis.

4. Pelvic floor exercises.

          Also known as Kegels, performing exercises for your pelvic floor muscle group promotes blood flow to the cavities of your penis, resulting in a more rigid erection. Training these muscles to become stronger could ultimately result in harder erections, as the increased circulation in the pelvic floor area facilitates an increase in the amount of available blood to the corpora cavernosa, two chambers running the length of the penis that engorge with blood upon sexual arousal. The pressure created in these chambers results in an erection, so Kegels that increase the amount of available blood to the area aid in efforts to increase natural penis growth.

          As outlined by Harvard Health, here are the step-by-step instructions for performing Kegels:

  • Locate your pelvic muscles. For men, this can be accomplished by pretending to avoid passing gas or pretending to halt your stream during urination.
  • Practice contractions. Lie on your back and feel the contraction of your pelvic muscles. Gradually increase the duration of your contractions, beginning with 3 to 5 seconds of contraction, followed by 3 to 5 seconds of relaxation. Repeat this cycle 10 times.
  • Keep your other muscles relaxed. Don’t allow the contraction of your pelvic muscles to extend to the buttocks or the abdomen. Keep all other muscles in a relaxed position while you work to isolate your pelvic muscles.
  • Increase the duration. Work your way up to 10 second contractions.
  • Practice. Be diligent about performing your exercises and attempt to fit in 30 to 40 contractions per day.

           Strong pelvic floor muscles go a long way towards staving off the effects of incontinence, and could help you achieve a more robust, rigid erection.

5. Penis extenders

          Also known as traction devices or penis enlargers, penis extenders are frames that can be attached to a flaccid penis and adjusted to lengthen it. While some evidence regarding the lengthening effects of a traction device exists (if used regularly over a long period of time), the effectiveness of this tool for penis extension is largely unknown. Some studies have suggested that penis extenders work better on men who are naturally smaller in size; over a 6-month period, some patients have reported a gain of 1 to 2 cm.

To successfully use a penis extender

  • Begin with a flaccid (under 20% firmness is recommended) penis.
  • Fit the loop of the device over the shaft of your penis and secure it against the base.
  • Secure the top part of the shaft against the device’s gripping mechanism.
  • Hook the gripping mechanism up to the pulling belt.
  • Once attached, begin lightly pulling and allow the device to gradually extend the penis shaft within the device.
  • The optimal tension for a penis enlargement device is described as allowing the full lengthening of your penis naturally, plus a little more. Too much tension could potentially damage the skin of the shaft, so begin with a ‘less is more’ approach.

6. Lose Weight

          The appearance of a large belly that hangs over the penis can overshadow or mask a man’s true size, creating the impression that the penis is smaller than it actually is. The act of losing unnecessary body fat can allow a penis to become more discernible, resulting in the true size of the penis to be realized. By engaging in an exercise program that reduces body weight, a man can enjoy the added benefits of improved blood flow and circulation to the pelvic region, which may result in firmer erections, and the appearance of a larger penis by creating the impression of increased penis girth or length.

7. Trim your pubic hair

          Similar to the act of losing excess body fat, trimming your pubic hair will allow you to reveal the true dimensions of your penis. The removal of hair from around the base of your penis could aid the impression of increased size, making this simple grooming technique an effective way to assist the presentation of your member.

8. Penis rings

          Penis rings, also known as cock rings or constriction bands, are used to trap blood in the erect penis for an extended period of time, resulting in a longer and firmer erection. With many types of cock rings available, it is important to know how to utilise the correct type for your natural penile enlargement goals.

The differing types of penis rings includes

  • Cock ring. Perhaps the greatest tool in terms of rings designed to aid in the overall appearance of an engorged member, this ring fits on the base of the penis. Before you put on a cock ring, you must make sure you have an erection. You then slide the ring over the head of your penis and roll it down to your penis base.
  • Penoscrotal ring. These rings fits around the base of the penis and testicles. For these rings, your penis should be flaccid before fitting. Begin by placing your testicles in the ring one by one and then your penis in the ring by folding it back towards it. Then put the head of your penis through first and then pull the shaft through. The ring should sit at the base of your penis and testicles.
  • Testicle ring. As indicated, this type of ring fits around the testicles. You place your testicles in the ring one by one and the ring sits on the top of your testicles.

Do not use a cock ring for longer than 30 minutes. Some men couple a penis ring with a hot shower or bath before sex, in order to increase the blood flow to the penis.

Are there risks to these methods?

          The act of attempting to enlarge or lengthen the penis comes with some risk. Physically trying to make your penis bigger using massage techniques, or with devices, often runs the risk of tissue damage. Aggressive pulling or manipulation of the penis can also cause bleeds under the skin which may result in pink spots on penis from the subdermal damage caused with the tension or friction associated with your efforts.

8 reasons that causes baldness in men

8 reasons that causes baldness in men

1. Genetic
Male pattern baldness is often genetic. Most likely the sign to be permanent hair lose may start to get thinner, losing their hair and the new one grow up weak and slim that can see through. Then the hair loss keeps spreading, the root hair getting weak and smaller until become baldness eventually.
2. Thyroid
Thyroid symptom that lack of produce Thyroid hormone effects the body to work and active slower due to the lack of hormone to activate metabolism that generate energy to cells and tissues, as well as shortcoming effect to hair losses on all part of your body.
3. Age
Getting older in Male cause the weakness of the blood flow over your head skin, the root grow weaker with the degeneration of the skin cell, causing the root get smaller which makes hair and the new one grow up weak and slim compare to the teenage period.
4. Testosterone
Testosterone is generated from male prostate gland and testicles, and this organ will transform Testosterone to be Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The transformation will effect to the hair in male to get smaller and loss as well as stalling the hair growth.
5. Medication and chemo radiation therapy
There are numbers of medications that effect to the hair losses conditions such as medicine for cancer, Cancer Therapy, Anticoagulants, Anti-hypertensive treatments medicine, Hormone Treatment, Anti-thyroid drugs, Anticonvulsant, these medicines can cause the hair losses effect but it will recovery when stop taking the medicines. Furthermore, the radiation therapy for cancer is the other cause and effect that leads to the hair losses condition.
6. Stress
Stress leads to 2 types of hair losses conditions;
1). Telogen Effluvium is the severe tension that cause the hair root in growing phase stop growing and lead to hair loss in the first 2-3 months and it can last from 6 up to 9 months before recovery back to normal conditions.
2). Alopecia Areata is the symptom that has critical condition than the first one, the white blood cells will go straight to the pore in the head skin and causes the severe hair losses effect within a few weeks, start from the minor circles and keep spreading. This condition can be recovered but consulting for treatment is needed.
7. Sickness
In patients, there are some type of illness that can cause hair loss effect depends on the type of sickness. For example, Tinea Capitis, Thyroid decease, Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE), Syphilis, Kidney decease, Etc.
8. Malnutrition Disease
Such as Vitamin B (any type), as found in yeast, yogurt, and protein based food, when the body has not received sufficient amount of the above nutrition will cause the hair loses symptom and/or thinner hair. As well as the change of the hair color, because nutritional consumption is critical for the growth of hair and body. Moreover, if the body consumes too much vitamin A can stall down hair growth and cause hair losses too.

What is the side effect of misapprehension Testosterone hormone treatment.

What is the side effect of misapprehension Testosterone hormone treatment.

Currently, there are many people misconceive of using artificial Testosterone for muscle building or increase strength for exercise without any medical consulting along with Hormone production test. It can cause negative side effect such as

  • You may get infection underneath your skin from the injection.
  • It may cause the hot tempered and aggressive.
  • Risk for genital organs problem/disorder.
  • Can cause High Blood Pressure. 
  • Risk for Infertility.
  • Also, it can cause the infection underneath your skin from the injection. And more risk if doing it continuously.

Male ED’s problem statistic

Male ED’s problem statistic

  • Drug utilization  approximately 25% in male who has ED problem comes from drug utilization.
  •  Age more than 40  male over 40 years old, has problem about erection of penis. 
  • 1 out of 10 male has problem to maintain the erection of penis. 
  • Chronic decease – Patient who has problem with erection of penis can be found in male who has Chronic decease problem more than normal / healthy person up to 63.1%

  •  Male age under 35 – Male who is under 35 years old but has heart problem decease/vascular decease can cause ED effect symptom more than healthy male. 
  • High Blood Pressure – 30% of male who has high blood pressure has problem to maintain erection of penis. 
  • EN: Diabetes – Male who has diabetes is conceivably to have ED symptom 3 times higher than healthy male. 
  • EN: 152 million male – from study, we found out that over 152 million males around the world have impotency problem. 

What type of person should not take Viagra?

What type of person should not take Viagra?

1. Allergies condition
Person who has record of drug allergy, or any component in this medicine should inform the staff.

2. Congenital Disorder
Person who has congenital disease e.g. heart decease, Stroke or Low blood pressure.

3. sightless disorder
Person who has problem with eye sight disorder, or has history about eye sight
problem, please inform before medication.

4. Taking Vasodilator drugs
Person who receives Nitrate Vasodilator drugs, with the condition chronic coronary syndrome caused by Myocardial Ischemia.

5. Person age under 18 and woman
There’s no indication or restriction for person age under 18 or woman.

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