M Focused Shockwave
Improving erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction causes
- Insufficient penis blood flow
- Lose genital collar and inability to hold penis blood flow
- Diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and imbalance hormones
- Smoking, alcohol, stress, late night sleep, depression, no exercise or over exercise
- After the therapy, you will feel like your penis skin is stimulated. There might be either slight hurt or no hurt. More intensity is made for better stimulation and response.
- Having no erectile problems, shockwave therapy can help strengthen the penis.
- When having shockwave therapy over 3 areas : base, right side, and left side, collagen under the skin is activated to make the penis collar thicker, resulting in potential erection and longer activity.
- When having shockwave therapy over proximal and distal areas, growth factor is activated to revive and heal the tissue, resulting in penis enlargement.
- Vascular endothelial growth factor is activated for neovascularization over the penis area. Plaque stuck in the vessels is eradicated. As a result, more blood flow and oxygen potentially function making the penis look stronger and well-defined.
- Benign erectile dysfunction can be completely recovered when having the therapy for 1-2 times. Better change and complete erection are observed.
- More frequent therapy is recommended for moderate and severe cases of erectile dysfunction. More blood flow and erection sensitivity are apparent, resulting in activity enjoyment.
- Latest machine model, no pain, no danger, no post therapy recovery
- No erection needed and more blood flow over the penis allowed due to the
machine function - Short time spent and less frequency due to Focused technology
- Stronger penis and defined capillaries when having frequent therapy
- Persons without erectile dysfunction are also allowed to boost sexual health.
- The machine is imported from the UK with specific men genital equipment and research support. It is also different from general muscle shock machines.
ED treatment
- Change individual lifestyle and find underlying diseases
- Medical technology utilization
- M Erection
- Plasma shot
- Cell therapy
- Medicine and supplementary diet
- IV drip such as NAD+
Which is the best treatment option?
M Erection together with Stemcell shot

Mechanism of action of M Focused Shockwave therapy
- Re-innervation
- Endothelium repair
- Increased cell survival
- New helicine arterioles
- Pro-erectile effects of stem cel
- Reverse fibro-muscular pathological changes

Cure the impotence
M Focused Shockwave Therapy
✔️ Restore and enhance your sexual activity.
✔️ Non-Medical Treatment. Non-Surgery.
✔️ Stimulate Blood Circulation, and refabricate capillaries in sexual organ.